Our Story
During the mid- 1960s, several Christian families moved onto the newly built Holywell Estate. They met in homes first, for Sunday school for the children and Bible study, but then in Autumn 1968 decided to form a church and meet in the newly built school.
First meeting of the church in Holywell School.
The church called its first pastor – Rev Leslie Rawlinson and his wife Sarah.
Linda Hinchliffe joined us for 6 months as a trainee missionary. She was subsequently to go to the Philippines with OMF for 30 years.

It was decided to hold a Holiday Bible Club to share the good news of Jesus with children in the area. This took place on the green by Mardale Way. 2018 was our 42nd Holiday Bible Club.
The Young Peoples’ Fellowship (YPF) held their first summer camp at Stanton Lees in Derbyshire. They attended the teaching meetings at the Chapel and enjoyed life under canvas and exploring the area.
Land was purchased for Holywell Church to have a building of its own.

Building commenced.

Building opened.
Rev Leslie Rawlinson resigns as the minister of Holywell and went to Mount Road Baptist Church in Hinckley. A 4 year inter-regnum ensued.
The church calls Rev Bruce Powell as its second minister.
The church calls Joseph Pettitt as its third minister. Joseph joined us with his wife, Lou.

The church appoints Seth Wrigglesworth as Minister-in-Training for 2 years with his wife, Rachel. Seth was then appointed as an Assistant Minister until he left in 2021.
The church calls Tim Barnes to serve as Assistant Minister. He joined us in September with his wife, Sophie until they left in 2024
The church appoints an Operations Manager and Church Administrator.