Kids & Youth
Breakfast Bible Study
- Sundays
- 9.30am
Happens Sundays before the morning service from 9.30am during term time for those in school years 6-13. Come along for some delicious pastries and to study the Bible in smaller groups (one group for school years 6-8, and one for years 9-13). Please speak to Felix or Pieter on a Sunday for more details.
Toddler Group
- Mondays
- 10.00am
Toddler Group happens on Monday mornings during term-time starting at 10am and finishing at 11.30. This group is for babies and toddlers before reception year. Come along for some time of free play, snacks, Bible stories, and some singing. For more information, please speak to Rachael or contact the church office.
- Wednesdays
- 6.00pm
Happens Wednesday Evenings between 6pm-7pm. during term time for young children who are in school years 2-5. Come along for some fun activities and to discover more about Jesus. Please speak to Ben Smith on a Sunday for more details.
Friday Club
- Fridays
- 6.30pm
Happens Friday Evenings between 6.30-8pm during term time for those in school years 6-8. Come along for some fun activities & games and to hear a Bible talk. Please speak to Felix and Jen or Neil and Joanna on a Sunday for more details.
Young People’s Fellowship (YPF)
- Fridays
- 8pm
Happens Friday evenings between 8pm-10pm during term time for those in school years 9-13. Come along for some fun activities & games, to hear a Bible talk, and to enjoy Christian friendships. We also enjoy having ocassional joint evenings with other young people from other gospel churches across Loughborough. Please speak to David & Clair on a Sunday for more details.
Holiday Bible Club
- Annual event
This special annual event is a real highlight for our church family and is a great evangelistic opportunity. It runs during the last week of July/first week of August.