Our Beliefs

We are an independent evangelical church who believe the good news of the Bible.

As members of Holywell, we have different backgrounds, interests, and perspective on things, though when it comes to our statement of faith we happily agree and affirm it together. A statement of faith is simply a summary of what we believe the Bible teaches about the core truths of Christianity. We’d encourage you to read this if you’re considering joining Holywell Church.

1. The Bible

The Divine inspiration, infallibility, and authority of the Bible.

2. God

The unity of the Godhead in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

3. Creation

The creation of all things in the beginning by God, and the subsequent upholding of all things by His power.

4. The Human Race

The creation of all humans, male and female, in God’s image, which gives them inherent and equal dignity and worth, and is the basis for marriage. And the universal sinfulness and guilt of mankind as a result of the Fall.

5. The Lord Jesus Christ

The Godhood and sinless Manhood of Jesus Christ, His sacrificial death for sinners upon the Cross, His literal, physical resurrection from the dead, His ascension to Heaven, His present exaltation and intercession in Heaven on behalf of His people.

6. Salvation

The justification of the sinner solely through faith in Christ, as a result of the regenerating work of the Holy Spirit in his or her heart.

7. The Church

The priesthood of all believers, the observance of believer’s baptism and the Lord’s Supper in the fellowship of the Church.

8. The Future

The personal and glorious return of the Lord Jesus Christ to earth, the bodily resurrection and judgment of all men, the glorification of all believers in Heaven, and the eternal punishment of the wicked.

Holywell is a church community of Christian believers joined together in membership.

We believe belonging to a local church through membership is a good thing. We run a welcome meeting once-a-term in which we explore the Biblical pattern of membership, and help people get to know more about Holywell Church and how to join. Please contact the church office for more details.